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Thursday, August 31, 2006

yah! I'm so happy! So many things happened today!

  1. its TEACHER'S DAY!!!
  2. had a buffet meal at pri. sch
  3. went around reminiscing...
  4. Jm went to my house...
  5. we got soaked...
  6. we went bugis!
  7. we watched The Devil Wears Prada

it was like soooooooooo cool! I had a tough time giving out all my cards to the teachers... Be it in pri or sec sch... Woah... In pri sch the food is simply moth-watering! Its also super cheap... Me, HL, Cal and JM had a food marathon... We bought an item of food from each of the 6 stalls in the pri sch and ate them all! haha! It was like sooooooo super fun! then after that, JM and i went off and HL and Cal went their own ways... sob sob... anyway JM and I went around the ENTIRE pri sch reminiscing and in short saying hi! we sure worked off loads of calories! hahax... Then since i was penniless and in dire need of a change of clothes, JM came to my hse... we were to go out later... then, a few moments after we arrived, it started pouring AGAIN! so we went out and since we both love the rain, did not use an umbrella and got soaking wet! hahax! it was sooooooooo much fun!!! Then when we got to bugis we went to buy tickets and went to the cinema... while going in it was SUPER dark and i accidently stepped on someone's toes... oops... hehex... The Devil Wears Prada is such a nice movie! the clothes are like WOW!!! one day i will be more than able to afford ALL those apparals!hahax! hey there's no harm in hoping rite? XD

7:37 PM

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

holy cow! today i got soaked.... TWICE!!! the 1st time was when i went to eat lunch with wendy,hui lun and zoe... it was like already pouring then... but since i was like starving i just ran ahead without an umbrella XD... so i got drenched! hahax... then after went to choir and bla bla bla... it was more fun than usual in choir todae cos the front row (wich is where i'm in being the shortie i am XD) switched places with the back row! i felt so tall... that was until i couldn't see the conductor... =.=lll anyway as choir was abt to end it started to rain heavily AGAIN! this time i had a brolly cos wendy didnt need her cos her dad was fetching her home... so gd.... even with the brolly i STILL got wet! HL and i were like jumping into puddles and generally goofing around sining I'm dancing in the Rain song! hahax! it was soooOOOooo fun!!! even now its still raining... sian lor.... anyway, i just realized tml is the t'cher's day celabration and i have NOTHING done!!! great... oh well... who cares! i wun die if i dun make any t'cher's day cards... lol....

8:03 PM

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

u noe im still deciding if i should send out tt sms... i cant decide... i'm scared that it may ruin our frenship... and yet... i really can't stand it anymore... perhapes i'll do it after t'cher's day so that it won't ruin the outing... u noe when i came back from school i was like totally cheery and all... but when i saw that msg... that sadness came in again.. .even now... i'm very close to crying and yet i know that doesn't solve problems... does he/she know he/she's hurting me? his/her words are like knives piercing my skin... i thought that i was immune to this after so long, but i'm not... i'm sorry... and for hating you i hate myself... sound familiar? yar... that line was adapted from Kelly Clarkson's Behind These Hazel Eyes... hahax... and ya... now i dun cry on the outside... although i really feel like it... it has been a terrible time for me recently... and asking for my hist. grade isn't helping... thks alot... i would love it when Jesus comes to take us all back... then i won't have to suffer anymore... i don't understand at times why am i the one going through all this... the ones who know me well will understand what i mean... Sometimes i just wish that jesus will come and take me away... but then i remember all the things and ones i love and know that i actaully have alot to thank for... just not enough for my liking... I talk about my father nonchalently but u dunno how it hurts inside... when others talk about how their dad treats them i feel so jealous and despondent cos i dun have a dad to treat me that way... yes... i have hated him at times... but i still love him... u talk about how hard a day is and how u hate ur life but u dunno how much i would like to have ur kind of life... u tok abt how miserable u r abt ur life... and yet u dont noe how many times i cried myself to sleep... u noe... i have somehow learnt not to expect so much from someone even when he/she is close to you... cos there are times when he/she wun be around... the only one i can trust at all times to be around to wipe away my tears and comfort me is the lord... at times llike this he is the only one around... i have somehow lost faith in man... perhapes its better this way... after this experience it won't be so easy to get hurt anymore... and wendy... this has nothing to do with you... it is not and never will be your fault... ok? and no i won't commit suicide cos i have better things to do...

5:05 PM

2 more days to the holidays!!! WEEEEEEEEE..... hahax... im being super lame... man... now im scared to look at my tag box... cos of a msg that's printed tt loud and clear frm someone whose name i wun mention... but if u noe who u r i request that u stop destroying my self esteem... btw i am NOT referring to annoymous... oh ya... if u wan me to block annoymous i oso wun.. cos its v interesting to have someone saying bad things sometimes.. i dun mind... y should u?? besides it spices things up on the tag board.. strange as it is... i like it! hahax... weird rite? too bad! tts just the way i am! anyway... today in class we had to make these stupid t'cher's day cards... we even had to make one for the P and VP! like halow! they dun even teach us!! sheesh!

4:55 PM

Monday, August 28, 2006


There is the YUE GUI NU SHEN MV below!!! GO CHECK IT OUT!!! Same instructions as the YI YAN WAN NIAN MV ok?

8:04 PM

woah... i was groaning so much that i forgot all about an..... interesting incident in sch today =D... anyway... it was during dnt, so we were applying laquer today and in short completing our work piece... so nearing the end of the lesson... wk came to gc and asked for tissue, so gc was like, "orh u finish putting laquer ah?" so wk nodded... "then u go wash ur hand lor!" then wk was like " i wash ler.... i need tissue to dry my hands... as u can see they are very wet" at this point in time both gc and i said in unison "then use tissue for wad? wipe on ur skirt lor!" so wk was like "ey... yar hor..." and we started laughing... lolx.... to wk : NO OFFENCE!!! DUN BE ANGRY!!! hahax... btw... can any kind soul enlighten me on wad are the block qoutes used for. thank u! Merci! Arigatok! Xie Xie! etc etc ( frankly tts abt all the languages i noe.... XD the rest i dunno wad are the words for thank u! hahax! too bad! XD...)

7:10 PM

whew.. finally back home!! came back super late today cos i waited with gc for wendy. actually i for the 1st time wasn't waiting for hl cos i have this idea that comes true most of the time that hl will have some other frens to keep her company and that she will take 31 which always comes first and leave me even though i wait for her... but thats not wad i'm blogging about today... lol... so frustrating... for some reasons i prefer to keep to myself i feel really down... and that reason is not one to be proud of and i feel really bad... but the sadness is greater... i dunno... sometimes i just feel like breaking down in class and that almost happened a few times... the stress from sch isnt helping much either... i feel like an idiot... i noe that jesus loves me but its just so difficult at times... haix... nvm... i really shouldnt be doing this.... hahax... TO HUI LUN : Glad that your father is back! Hopefully you'll be treated better!

6:02 PM

Saturday, August 26, 2006

haix... i'm so bored... currently doing home econ coursework... hello! when we grow up will our employers and such ask us to make a detailed report of HOW to cook a meal? and wad should we cook and stuff lolx!! technically... i'm not supposed to be blogging.. but who cares! my parents are out anyway... haix... i'm now using my parent's computer.. cos MY sound card had to spoil thus disrupting my computer when i needed it the MOST!! sheesh.... anyway... i can add a few more things to my hate list now... that would be history and home econ bleah... and apparantly... my kor now has a new gf... he was pretty heart-broken when his last one broke wif him so ya, i'm happy for him! zhu ta men xing fu! beta get back to the torture area soon... will be back as soon as i can find an excuse to.. hahax lol

5:26 PM

oh man... i can't stand it.. i'm totally in love wif that song... its like soooOOOOooo sad! the drama is oso very sad lor... almost cried when i was watching it...hahax.. weird rite... cry over a song or more accurately... a drama... haix... thats the way it is when you watch so many korean dramas.. hahax...

3:33 PM


There's the yi yan wan nian mv by SHE below... if u wan watch then pls scroll down and press the pause button... it will take some time to load... but when around 3/4 fin loading can watch/listen ler... i found this mv when looking through S.H.E's old songs... my gosh... i totally fell in love wif the song cos i used to watch tt series... and not to mention it rawks! hahax...

2:51 PM


i suddenly realized that having a blog can be quite dangerous... must always make sure that parents dunno about the blog and stuff... oso must be careful about wad u say cos some idiot was a racists and got himself into jail for blogging about races... sheesh... stupid guy.... nvm... anyways... i found out that i'm addicted to my blog.... great... i really shouldn't be doing this... its not good for my health or studies... but who cares! its fun! and its better than writing in a diary... i would know... i'm getting sick of writing anyway... hahax... take that mrs lian!

12:20 PM

man... i finally understand all the effort that goes into making one blog XD! haix... just slacking rite now... i would do my hm ec but i currently am too lazy to think so too bad! hahax! later there's gonna be a LIVERPOOL match at 7.40PM so i'm gonna watch it! FINALLY i can wear my liverpool jersey!! hahax! i'm so lame...

12:04 PM

yesterday can be counted as one of THE worst days of my life... even now i'm like typing this in secret cos i'm scared my mom will be able to read this and that will suck... i'm still trying to get over the shock of yesterday...
  1. got a terrible grade for lit
  2. flunked hist for the FIRST time in my pathetic life
  3. my best fren wasn't there when i needed her the most
  4. i realized that she's never around when i need her...

haix... i hope i can forgive and forget... its terrible though... all the times i've been there for her.... and she has almost nvr been there for me... oh well... maybe its my fault hor... cos im not very vocal about my probs... im one of those ppl who prefer to suffer in silence... oh ya... something about me... NVR let me have something to hold against you! i got a great memory so even after 10+ years... i will still remember and one day when i can't take it anymore, i will explode and zao fan... hahax... weird rite! haix nvm... anyway hui lun(moi fren) always says that i'm stupid... terrible girl....

10:23 AM