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Saturday, September 30, 2006

went to suntec for bs yesterday... however b4 that i went wif steph and xp to kfc to try the cheezito thing... hey it was quite nice! not bad not bad.. haha... anyway... we for some reason started tokking about body "art" like piercngs and stuff... it was quite cool yet gross at the same time... anyway... when walking back i passed by the g-mask shop... i was actually intereste in getting wrap for my ipod.. at that time there was this super irritating guy who is like such a toot.. he was like.... I DUN LIKE UR ATTITUDE!! I DUN MIND PAYING BUT U SAID THAT IT WILL BE CRYSTAL CLEAR!!! U BETTER NOT DO BUSINESS ANYMORE!!! I WANT TO TALK TO YOUR BOSS! walao lor.. he was like shouting la... so darn scary.. and then he was like holding up the entire place... so whn it was finally my turn, i freaking found out that it was too expensive for me... great... hai... so i went to take ticket and met gillian, wanru and germaine... lol.... we went to kfc for dinner... cos they too wanted to try the cheezito... i had cheese fries!! yay!! then after that i went with gill and wanru to arcade... obviously wanru and i were in uni.. so ended up takingoff my skirt and folding up my shorts... haha...
bs p. prince preaching... he tokked about too many things so i now lazy to type down... haha... lol... sian.... i wanna go out and play in the rain!!!

1:02 PM

Thursday, September 28, 2006

obviously i have changed my blogskin AGAIN... this time it wasn't of my own will.... hai... cos there was something wrong with the old skin so end up... sheesh.... went to cc again today haha... had an "auditioning" session.. was so fun... haha.... unfortunetly there was only time for gc to sing... hai... was supposed to do art but sadly, there was no paper for me to do on... =.=lll sian... gonna try to study now... boo hoo...

6:49 PM

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

went to cc today to do art... man... art is terrible... my sketches is like crap like that.. lol... anyway, i noticed that i, wy,gc,wk and jm practically live at the cc... its like we're there almost all the time.. lol... oh ya... on the way bak from sch... or should i say the cc... when pass by kallang, y.r suddenly screamed "MY FLAT!!!!!" it turned out that her block had caught fire... thankfully she lives on the 13th floor while the fire was on the 7th... *phew*... i think i'm quite weird... its like super close to the exams and i am still super bo chap... maybe there's something wrong wif my brain or something... haha...

8:27 PM

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

finally back from sch!! yay!! haha... now i have 2 blisters... and both of them are on my feet.. one on each.... cos there was p.e today and we played cap. ball... it was fun.. this is like the 1st time i played seriously... lol.... anyway... today stayed back for sci remedial... currently learning sexual... u noe... THAT topic... at least i didnt freak this time... got used to it i suppose... oh ya... finally realized how wonderful limewire is!! already dled a number of songs! XD... haha...

4:31 PM

Sunday, September 24, 2006

hai.... i dun wanna do the stupid cme project... ='( besides i dunno wich side to do on... those who know me well will know what i mean... as of now the art project is under my table... to know why go to chuan's blog and read the current post... that will explain everything... haha... i feel too lazy to blog about friday so i'm pushing the responsibility to chuan... haha...

8:48 PM

Friday, September 22, 2006

Daryl -> yuppiez! =)) u???

HuiLun -> oh man... haix... chill gurl... he/she can't hurt u and besides! u're more than a conqueror in Jesus! and since as he is so are we in this world, u r like him! does jesus have probs wif spammer? NO! thus, as he is so are u in this world!! XD yar... it was sooooooo cool!! =P nvm la... next time we go you come lor... then can shun bian learn! haha! and finally... yup i like it this way! hey! at least its better than luntai rite... XD haha....

6:55 PM

Thursday, September 21, 2006

This is jm's later style... actaully there are alot more styles but i dun have pics of them... it's all in video format XD

8:06 PM

This is gc's style...

8:05 PM

oh ya... i kinda forgot to say wad happed in the cc today... we had hair styling "lessons"! it was sooooooooo cool.... the quntie there was actually a hairstylist before but decided to come out and sell stuff instead.... she had actually styled zoe tay's and fann wong's hair before! naturally that was before they became famous haha... anyway... here are some pics of our recent hairstyles...

8:00 PM

*yawn...* another sleepy day... supposed to be studying for history now but can't make myself do it... it's too cruel... XD... today was pretty normal except for the last period which was science... we have just started sexual reproduction... so sick lor... when lol announced that we were gonna learn it today, the class was like SUWIT!! cos he's like the most pervertic person in our class... XD of course chee hsing is not counted.. darn him la... he still owes me $7... supposed to pay by installments... $2 a day.. however he claims that tmr he will pay a full $7... wich reminds me that i gotta bring more $$ tmr cos of cal's jmuble sale... lol man... i booked the cutest bag... now i have another bag to use! =D haha... dunno why i feel soooooo sleepy today... yawn... oh ya... to whom it concerns: i'm really very sorry... ='( dun get mad..... its better this way... at least i think so XD...

5:56 PM

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

today i came back later than usual cos of a real freaky thing that happed... kay... today when we were at the cc, wk couldnt get enough oxygen.. so we (jm, gc and wy) had to support her for some time before finally managing to persuade her to sit... it was like soooooooooooo scary la... it was almost as i she's gonna die or something... so end up gc and jm support her while wy and i went to the clinic nearby to make an appointment... so after that when they reached, wk,jm and wy went in while gc and i styed outside... her hands were like soooo cold... then from outside gc and i could hear the doc laughing... we were like, 'why is he laughing?! he isn suppose to be laughing!! hai.. nvm... thats a good sign i guess...' then after awhile they came out and we wen back to the cc... luckily wk was better already... phew... so we went back and ate our already cold noodles... but the auntie was like kind enough to help us heat it up... i didnt have a plate so end up had to go order a new one... ordering a bowl of porridge for wk on the way... oh ya... and she was really upset about her tie cos she had to loosen it on the doctor's order... we were like 'aiya wk... nvm one... its super stylish!' however she was like totally scared that she'll get reported or something... so we were like ' its ok.. we got like 20 over witnesses... anyway its only this time and u shouldnt tighten ur tie or else later suffocate or something...' so at long last she finally agreed not to bother about her tie... thank god.. so end up everything was alright... haha... hopefully this type of event will never occur again XD

5:09 PM

Monday, September 18, 2006

guess what... the meanings for wordpower are uncertain... its like mrs lian marks something wrong when it is correct... i like checked the dictionary... so now its like state of confusion... hai... waht to do??? sian... wordpower is crappy...

8:33 PM

hai... mondays blues... felt soooooooo super sleepy today... *yawn* was darn lethargic... haha... anyway... today nothing sprecial happened... at least as far as i can remember that is.. XD so bored.... dun feel like learning for wordpower test tomrrow... hai.. i also dunno why am i blogging when there is like nothing to blog about... lol... just blogging for the sake of it maybe? haha!! lol i'm being so lame...

5:33 PM

Saturday, September 16, 2006

phew.... my gosh today was a major workout... reasons why below...
  1. walked to eunos mrt
  2. walked to marina from city hall
  3. went shopping
  4. walked back to suntec or at least tried to...
  5. had to make 3 detours.... *so fun.... yeah rite.... =.=*
  6. walked to and fro countless times to look for frens
  7. jumped like crazy at D.A.R.E

yup... the reason why i went to marina is cos today JM wanted to come with me to D.A.R.E but since she wanted to shop 1st we went to marina.. wa..... i still remember the choccy.... *drools* haha... so after awhile we went to suntec cos it was getting closer to the time for church and guess wad... we walked to the link between suntc and marina and it was sealed off... so we had to make a HUGE detour to get to another link... so we walked and walked and walked... finally reached the other link... only to find it blocked AGAIN!! dam i was so annoyed... so we made another round and reached millinia walk.... (sry if i spelled it wrong XD) so we walked towards suntec only to find that we were walking in the wrong direction... so had to turn and walk back.... at long last we reached suntec HALLELUJIA!!! haha... we went carl's junior... then i found out that my frens were at macs... went there and no one was there so we went up to the arcade... nobody... so went back to macs again... nobody... by then ppl must have thought that we were modelling or something.... lol man... and lastly since this IS dare... there will naturally be lots of jumping and stuff... today's message was gd... was by deconess karen... i noe... that's my mother's name... but she is NOT my mother... today's message was basically about the spirit of adoption, that god loves me and wants to bless me... there's no need to worry... about wad good friends are... that i was fearfully, skillfully, lovingly and wonderfully made... and how much i am worth in god's eyes... i was soooooo touched by the ending song... the one that goes u love me lord... greater than anything etc... i oso dunno why... my eyes just started to water... i didn't cry though... wich i guess is good... i dunno... now all that i'm clear of is that jesus really loves me and that i am not and never will be alone in this world... dunno why... i just felt so touched by his love... and now i still do... u noe when ur like really young like a toddler/baby and fall down and u start crying and ur mother/father/both parents will wipe away ur tears and comfort u and just hug u real tight... it felt like that just now in service... haha.... i'm going philosophical.. haha...

11:21 PM

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

i just realized that i didnt say wad i got for geog XD haha.. i forgot again... i got 10/15.... v good actually considering i didnt study.... these few days alot of results are coming back...
  1. geo -> 10/15
  2. math -> 31/50
  3. sci -> 48.5/60

thats it... so disappointing.. the first time i studied so hard for chi and the stuff i studied didnt come out... sheesh... out of the 19 words i studied, only 2 came out... *bleah* anyway... i did quite well for maths... i amazingly passed.. cos the 1st common test i totally flunked... and besides... only 17 people in my class passed i think... as for sci its already considered an improvement... i was kind of vying with chuan but in the end she won... lol... doesnt matter though... i dun wish to compete anymore anyway.... i dun wanna fail chi.... but wad to do.... see i study so hard, end up oso no use... wads the point... hai.... i used to say i hated chi.... now im changing that sentence to i abhor, detest and have absolutely object to having chi in my life... i have another reason to like fridays... theres no chi lesson on fri... haha.... anyway, went to the cc to have lunch today... had spaghetti... it was nice... however wk and wy beg to differ... lol... sian... mrs lian tinks shes making the dam lesson interesting by making us to grp work.. it just makes it all the more boring... like, i really dun wanna write a stupid newspaper article... its stupid and not to mention a waste of time and effort... i would much rather doing individual work or something... haha.... another trait of mine has been uncovered, i prefer to work alone... juz call me freaky loner girl... XD.... oh ya..... another point to note im now in S2!!!! YAY!!! haha... guess i dun reallly enjoy being in S1 cos there's too much pressure... lol... anyway i literally freaked out during my audition... hai.... dun tok to me about it.... i am not going to repeat the story.... hai... now im in two states of mind... i wun say anything about it cos someone might just noe who im referring to and tell that person.... or even worse, that person will read this and hate me forever... cant get high sch musical out of my head... i noe its freaky but hey who cares! i came to another conclusion today that i seriously DO NOT wanna go to f3-1... reson being that it is seriously too stressful and people's (read-> teachers) expectations are like super high... so as a matter of fact i will be extremely happy staying right where i am... haha...

6:11 PM

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

THANK GOD!!! i can finally log on!!! apparantly, i could not sign in to msn or use the internet thks to god noes wad... lol... anyway... today = 2nd day of sch! im surprised i lasted this long... gosh.... i really detest waking so early... *sob* but wad can i do about it? NOTHING!!! mainly cos its a school rule to reach school by 7.20 or be late... and i DO NOT want to have too many marks on my record... lol... oh well... its good to be bak in school i guess... can see all my frens again... lately i've begun to really appreciate wad god has been doing in my life... ok so there r a few probs here and there but hey! i'm more than a conqueror in Jesus! and im so greatful for all the ppl that he has put in my life... and i can really feel his love for me now... and i just dunno how to describe it but its a great feeling... and i know that as he is, so am i in this world!

4:15 PM

Saturday, September 09, 2006

yesterday can be counted as one of the busiest days of my life!
  1. 8.30 a.m. go dentist
  2. came bak and watched "sorry i love u"
  3. went to city hall
  4. go arcade at suntec
  5. rush to marina square
  6. rush bak to suntec =.=
  7. watch movie
  8. go arcade AGAIN
  9. met other frens...
  10. went bible study!
  11. went to carrefour and bought LOADS of stuff (yummy stuff as a matter of fact *drool*)

phew..... the dental appointment was like so darn early i almost fell asleep on the seat... hahax... haix that korean show is getting interesting... quite sad... however its still not sad enough to make me cry... hahax.... i could only watch 2 episodes before rushing to the mrt station... i wanted to buy bubble tea but there was a long queue so... u get the pic... rite? so at city hall i waited wif chuan for JM and WY... lol... then we went to buy tickets at engwah at suntec b4 going for lunch... tts when chuan and i got "separated" from WY and JM... wad pisses me off is that chuan and i already reserved a table using a newspaper... but did that "preserve" our table? NOOOOOOOO... a auntie was sitting there and when i went over to "collect" our stuff bak she just looked at me as if i was crazy or something... sheesh... at the v least she SHOULD HAVE apologised.... the adults of today... after lunch gc and i went to the arcade and played the percussion master thing... it was quite fun actually... XD ... then while walking around we receiveda call frm WY and JM... they were at marina and wanted us to come over to take a neoprint... we rushed there but end up there wasnt a neoprint shop... *sorry* then i went off wif JM and GC went off wif WY... Jm was lokking for shorts.... i just followed... hehex... end up we found one that was real nice! but....... the price was.......... not nice?..... so when we had a time check it was already 3+! we rushed bak to suntec.... and guess wad... when we got bak to the cinema... there was no WY or GC... we called them and they said that they were coming up already... great... we rushed for nothing.... lol... so w watched that movie... it was quite amusing actually.... hahax... after th movie we went to the arcade and played the same game again... amazingly when i just anyohow hit the drum thing... i managed to get a higher score.... lol..... then when we were walking out i saw my chruch frens... so i decided to go for BS!!! it was actaully better than main service.... so im gonna go for BS every wk from now on =D! after BS we talked to the coaches for awhile.... slowly all of my frens left so i just decided to walk around the 3rd story..... i was waiting for Uncle D and mummy to arrive actually... I was about to start walking a 2nd round when uncle arrived! YAY!!! he came up cos i didnt ans my phone and all... anyway... he needed to purchase some items from Carrefour... We bought chips and fruits... the one with the most "X" factor was definately the durians! haha.. so tonight while watching the Liverpool VS Everton match... gonna pig out! Uncle D invited some frens over as well... GO LIVERPOOL!!!!

12:35 PM

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Haha... i just finished my history powerpoint!!! 3 CHEERS FOR ME!!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE haha!!! feeling totally high now!! WHOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! haha....

3:53 PM

yayness! i was finally enlightened by my dear Gek Chuan on how to put music on my blog!! =D yay!!! if can should really go her blog... the song is darn cute... haha...

10:39 AM

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

yes hui lun... y did u even show him my blog then??? and i REPEAT FOR THE LAST TIME that u r and always will be beautiful in jesus's eyes OK! and i'm sry tt i linked u wrng... and yes tt amanda is frm choir.... just give it a rest... I'm sry ok... Fine if u wan, i'll delete that post... LIKE HELLO! did I complain when u posted that disgusting pic of me????? NO!! SO JUST FACE IT!!! I'm sorry ok?!....

7:53 PM

Monday, September 04, 2006

its soooooo sad! Steve Irwin died today from a stingray attack... he got stung by the stingray's poisonous barb.... booo hooo... and i use to be a fan of his...... :'( haix..... wad a loss for the studies of wildlife... he was a good man.... i offer my condolences to steve irwin's family... so sad... hai... its like last time i would always watch kids central when his show was on.... so sad.... he died doing wad he loved best as qouted from that guy on t.v...

9:33 PM

oh man....... using this skin i can't put music videos!!! :'( boo hooo...... anyway.... i'll try to find out asap on how to put music on.... its high time i learnt anyway... XD

9:12 PM

yar anyway... i noticed that it is quite difficult to scroll down... so i am giving instructions on how to (i am such a worry queen... XD) anyway see the long vertical line?? of course u can see it... lol unless u r a bai chi la... lol no offence.... anyway just scroll on that line....
* and that was an Olivia tip of the day!!!* (ding ding ding ding......) hahax... that was taken from a joke my friend and i taught up... only we used a different catch phrase.... lol

8:32 PM

Hey! ya... obviously i changed my skin.... if u wan can gimme comments abt it.... thank u!!! i tought it fascinating... besides... i do like a good fairytale... haha... i'm so childish... but hey! sometimes having a childish mentality can be good! at least i tink so.... hehex.... i feel so lame... anyway there goes the 1st day of the holidays! *sob sob* *sigh* doesn't matter though.. anyway tml GC and Jm are coming to my hse to play and generally hang out... we're gonna make a blog for JM!!! cool rite..... lol.... anyway.... do tell me if u like my skin.... or not.... lol

8:24 PM

U noe a great song for this week would be the on holiday song by???? Or vacation by simple plan!! XD haha! Just soooooooooo super fun having holidays!!! Oh man....... I totally forgot abt hist.................. Haix... Sian...... I dun wanna do hist!! *throws tantrum and pouts* I dun feel like combing though masses of info on historical figures.... like is it really important??? Darn it.... my perspective has changed on the view of hist lessons.... maybe im just bitter about flunking =x tts why im not tooooooooo fond of Ms Lin now.... not that I can understand anything she says in the 1st place! XD dun tell her tt!!! Rite now I’m just doing the universal hobby of SLACKING!!! It is the most enjoyable activity ever!!! Haha!

1:04 PM

hui lun Charmaine
oh ya...... i always forget to load pics XD must be in my genes!! haha... anyway tt HL from this yrs sec 2 camp!!! she's one of my best buds =)) also known as the gurl who lurves to say i'm stupid! =.=lll v helpful hui lun... u are sure doing amazing things for my self esteem... =.=lll haha.. lol..... i'm being so lame!! she quite pretty rite.... she for some reson loves to say that she's ugly... NO HL u r gorgeous and lovely and etc in JESUS eyes!! and thats all that matters!!!

12:50 PM

yayness!!! HOLIDAYS ARE HERE!!!!!!! I LOVE HOLIDAYS I LOVE HOLIDAYS (starts chanting) haha!! just been super hyper recently like i keep on having sugar rushes!!! SOOOOOO FUN!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I am really going insane... dun bother about me.... cos if u do........ well........... u'll become juz like ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! contaminating the world with insanity!!!!!!!!

11:05 AM

Sunday, September 03, 2006

gosh i forgot to load this... this was taken when JM and i went to
bugis =)) she pretty hor XD

10:41 PM

Friday, September 01, 2006

amazingly i was EXTREMELY hardworking today!! *applause* hahax... in the afternoon i like did finish my geog hw wich tt bloody mushroom had to set.. mega achievement ppl... it was like 20++ pages! quite frankly i left out quite a bit for the most simple reson being i dunno how to do... sheesh.. y cant they ask more strightforward ques like "what is a smog?" that way... there is a chance to copy and paste directly from the txtbk! XD hahax... im such a lazy pig... dam it y cant my sound system work!!! after i put up those mvs too!!!! *pulls out hair in frustration* woah... i really feel like a psycho today!! HAHAX!!! TO WEE KENG>>> I am soooooooooo sry i couldnt go ur hse... end up my t'cher cancelled!! SOOOOOOOO SORRY!!! will make it up to u i promise!!!

8:28 PM

yayness!!!!!! today can be counted as the official start of the hols!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!! hahax... i'm getting kinda crazy... cannot believe that i automatically wok up early this morn! man..... i cant get used to the early waking... its the holidays for peat's sake! anyway... there is like a tonne of hw wich i had completely NO IDEA about... XD haix... beta get to it...

9:54 AM