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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

sian.. now waiting for fma to download finish... hai.... unsure about which is better.... days of friendship in school or days of freedom at home.... lol..... so philosophilcal XD haha... pardon my bad spelling.... i seriously can't be bothered to correct my self... lol...

9:50 AM

Sunday, October 29, 2006

went out on fri wif wendy and gc... haha was so fun!!! we went to watch deathnote... deathnote was rather disappointing... was expecting more thrill to it... lol... my gosh lor... saw soooooooooooooo many classmates then... XI apparantly they also went to watch deathnote... lol... will upload neoprints next time... feel too lazy to do it now XD... to Lse : i love gaara no matter what u say... his sad past makes him even more lovable!! besides... i like how he kills ppl... the sadistic lamer i am XD... anyway he becomes gd later wad... so its ok! =D haha... oh ya... i am like sooooooooooooo confused about my results but like wadeva XD... luckily ms aishah was like real nice... she didn't say anything about behaviour in class and all that... as per norm mrs yuen was unavailable =.=lll.... haha... the remarks i got are like so far frm the truth... lol.. olivia is a great asset to have. being the class treasurer, she is meticulous( everyone noes i'm super blur... ) and does her job with a lot of pride(yeah right.... i was forced to do it...)she is also friendly and warm and builds a warm rapport with her friends(wadeva tt means... =.=) i do not understand the sch system and i guess i nvr will.... wad is their prob wif letting us noe our class asap... sheesh... anyway these are the grades i got for overall...

  1. eng - b3
  2. chi - c5 ( i'm just glad i passed XD)
  3. math - b3
  4. sci - a1 ( praise the lord for lol... haha... XD )
  5. geog - b3 (can't believe that mushie actually managed to teach till my grade is like this XD)
  6. hist - a2 ( this proves that studying the bk is better than list to the teacher cos i nvr understand a single word she says anyway... haha)
  7. lit - a2 ( ditto.. however mrs lian definately teaches better)
  8. d n t - c5 (nvr did care for dnt anyway XD)
  9. home ec - a1 ( i was in serious shock... i can be a housewife!!! AMAZING!!!)
  10. art - b4 ( at least i didnt flunk like last yr so big improvement)
  11. cme - b (lol... who cares abt cme anyway...)

yup these are my results... how crappy.... hai... nvm there's always nxt yr!!! =D

5:54 PM

Thursday, October 26, 2006

whew.... haven't been posting recently... lol... now i'm mostly wrapped up in watching naruto for god knows what reason... lol... i love gaara.... i love the way he kills people... haha... i'm such a sadistic lamer... haha... anyway... the main reason of this post is to warn all girls staying near eunos aka the interchange i live near... THERE IS A FREAKING PERVERT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!! *den den den.......... a women screams...* seriously! i mean i was walking innocently minding my own business when this guy of around 17 i guess came up to my innocent self and asked the time... since i didn't wear a watch i just said i didnt have a watch and guess what he said... he was like huh? i repeated the statement and he was like oh... what sch u frm? me being polite and seriously freaked out ans... he was like icic... u sec wad? so naturaly being my honest and nieve self... i replied.... dam foolish i was.... then he ask alot of ques but i can't rmbr them all now... like duh... short term memory loss ppl! lol.. anyway i went to the bubbletea shop and he followed.. then after coming out he asked to be my friend.... i can't say no in that circumstance.... scarely he gets so angry he rape me how?! so i just say why not... lol... he friggin asked me for my no. i say i no hp... haha... then he ask for home no... i say it's a private no lol... so scary la.... walao... hai... i sorta dashed back home after he said bb phew... so girls beware... he is a malay of around 16 to 17 and wears a green tee with gs printed on the upper corner of his shirt! anyway it may seem sensible to just act blur and all but when the time comes it is actually much harder to act blur cos one is not sure of how that person may react... for all u know he may be a pshycopath who doesn't like other ppl to say huh to him... and although one may say that just act blur now.... at that time one will react most differently from what one plans... it is part of human nature i guess XD haha.... so gurls be careful!

5:18 PM

Monday, October 23, 2006

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! we won the debate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha!!! after so many days of stress and hardwork the debate is finally over! Thank GOD!!! while ester won the best speaker prize we won the overall... yay!! haha... and whats more is that i AM GOING TO EJ CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! seriously hyper now haha..... darn it i wanna watch naruto but uncle d now using com so i can't dl anything... boo hoo... nvm... tmr no school i can watch till i go crazy!!! hehe....

3:24 PM

Thursday, October 19, 2006

got back results today... hai... not bad la... the great thing is..... *drumroll* I PASSED CHINESE!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO haha... abit hyper abt it now... lol... anyway now seriously worriying about the debate... its like so lame... lol... sian lor.... putting that aside... took this test from the MOE on dunno wad international school standard of math and sci... it was extremely... to put it lightly... redundant... its like y can't the MOE choose f2-1 or something... but noooooooooooooo they had to pick f2-2.... and gc, wk and i were "lucky" enough to be selected for god knows what reason... lol... the questions that were posted were abit weird but were altogether manageble... anyway i got pretty average marks... although i admit my mom's gonna kill me when she noes abt my eng grade haha.... i got 72.5 for sci but v scared not enough for triple sci... hai... hopefully can make it... for the 1st time in my 13 years of living i actually did well for hm ec!!! aymazing!! haha... got 82.... totally stoned for a moment.. haha... as for eng.... hai.... i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dead..... got 63+.... mom's gonna murder me...prepare my funeral... i wanna white coffin and i am gonna will all my possesions to.............. NOBODY!!! MUAHAHAHAHA lol... 1st time my chi got higher than eng lor.... biggest academic achievement in my life!!! not tt my mom will see it that way but wadeva... i got 64 for chi!!! WOOOHOOO!!! history and geog i not gonna say cos dunno the full marks yet.... apparantly must wait till sat to see how much we have got... so lame... got like 55 for art... this is like a major improvement liao.... i like got 49 last year haha... seems impossible but yet it can be done! just forget to bring ur 3 thumbnails!!! haha... got like 63 for lit... not bad la considering i didnt study.... didnt even bother to read through... just flipped the pages and announced the end of studying lit for eoy XD... haha... however i like flunked d and t.... doesn't matter though... got 3/4 of the class to "pei" me... haha... got 46... as for math it is my proudest achievement and also my heartbreaker... i got 73.5... meaning that there is a chance that i cannot take A maths... hai....

there's like this thing bothreing me la and i feel like so bad cos i feel this way... when my fren told me ?? going to this particular class i quite frankly didnt noe wad to say... cos now its like one slot gone liao... i can feel the stress lor.... hai.... and at that moment i disliked her and i feel so bad abt it... hai... crazy feelings...

5:16 PM

Monday, October 16, 2006

dunno y am i feeling this way... feel so cold and empty inside like there's a deep sadness... and i'm confused because of it... y do i feel so bitter about doing that? is there like something wrong with me? stuff like that can be shared with all people... i gave advice on it yet i can't bring myself to follow my advice... however this is a diff case... this time i was still using it while in my fren's case she was done with it... i feel soooooooooooo bad for being disgruntled with ??? and yet i cant stop myself... i wan t to share yet my heart feels so sad about it... like there is a missing peace... i still did it although my heart now aches.... i think there i have a serious attitude prob... another matter that has made me feel out of sorts is about a certain outing... i dun wanna meet ?? and yet i must... i'm scared ?? will start all that crap and yet ????? says that ????? will let me go to ??????...................... severe confusion....... i hate my stupid heart twisting like that... dam it... oh ya... my current song wich i changed like 5 mins ago can be called as the theme song of my current relationship with ??... haha.... i can type out the words here and yet if u ask me to say it out i cant... wad a nice feel yeah? gtg now.... may have another update later... i think... i hope... i wish....

7:25 PM

i mut admit i've been a bit insane recently... lol... even now i'm like asking my cous to spam me... haha.... anyway had to go back to sch today... its like so idiotic... they might as well mark from monday onwards... then give us the entire week off... lol... quite scared now... cos gonna get back results liao.. anyway... all the classes that have chi and sci today got back their results liao... its like sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo unfair la.... we got chi today but it was taken up by that stupid study less learn more tok... that guy's main purpose was to like advertise his book lor... wad a *toooooot*... sheesh... that guy's tips are like so darn outdated... lol... i mean how can we use those tips when they are so.......... difficult.... lol... hai... really worried for my subs... i think i'm gonna flunk lit and math... there goes my dream of doing A math... lol...

3:47 PM

Friday, October 13, 2006

WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!! haha..... abit hyper haha....... went to hl's party yesterday........ the guys are the lamest idiots i have ever seen.....i dun feel like elaborating so nvm.... lol.... gonna watch my newest korean show later... yay!!! finally have the right to watch it wifout being terminated XD haha...

11:33 AM

Sunday, October 01, 2006

i am so sick of my mother... its like everytime she talks to me i feel so condemed... maybe its cos i'm too sensitive or wadeva but i dunno y... every statement she makes cuts... ok i'm exaggerating.. not every.. but some... yesterday was already bad enough... i know she cares for me but.... i dunno.... confused right now... its like everything i do pisses her off... everytime she looks at me i know what she would say... "aiyo ur face arh... how come like that etc etc.." then today in the car i called her for dunno wad reason.. and i got scolded... the contents of the scolding i am currently trying my best to forget so i shadnt write about it...nowadays i like dread seeing her... and i feel so guilty for thinking like that... hai... lord i really really really need u now........

4:41 PM