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Monday, November 27, 2006


hahax! obviously i'm still high from sat's concert!!! my muscles are still complaining lol.... WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! was so totally AWESOME!! it really is one of those once in a lifetime experience... kinda of like how once u accept christ ur life changes and everything.... hahax... elaine said this and i quote "ur like a little gurl in a candy shop" haha!! once i get to dare or wadeva as long as the praise and worship rox i can SUPER HIGH!!!! ask elaine or something haha... she has 1st hand experience..... along wif the other of my dare frens... lol.... SO PSYCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EJ CAMP IS COMING IN 8 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
i tink i beta get prescriptions for calming agents haha..... too hyper for my own good nia....

however something is like holding me back from going all out insanity... hai.... tmr's tan tock seng day........ the misery is killing me...... sian lor.... i so totally dun wannna go for that stupid performance..... so extra..... lol.....

BUT!!!! the bringht side is............................... CAMP IS COMING!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! hahahahahahaha!!!!!! little gurl in candy shop again!!!

only 1 sad thing is..... HOW DO I SURVIVE 4 DAYS WIFOUT MY COM?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? even the thought is unbearable...... but wadeva.... JESUS will supply all my needs!! YAY!!!! haha....

12:19 PM

Friday, November 24, 2006

today was like super busy during choir... 1stly need to take attendance... also ms loh wasnt in the best mood today so got quite a few scoldings... hai.... s2 quite patherit.... out of 18 people... only 10 came... lol... most of the prefects nvr come today cos their camp ended yesterday so alot of ppl are sick... and there's the flu going around as well... lol... walao lor... my hp bill is like so gonna be high this month.... hai.... with what all the people nvr coming... so end up gotta call them... most of the time i reach the voicemail instaed... hai.... lol... waseh... today ms loh totally trashed mrs y??? not in her face obviously... woah ms loh was like SHE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO TEACH!!! etc etc..... wa..... at that moment i totally idolized ms loh... as xp said... i wanna shout AMEN!! hahax... so tan tock seng day is getting nearer... we are improving... albeit slowly but who cares... i dun even wanna go tan tock seng... sheesh.... i mean... seriously... do those ppl in tts even understand what we're gonna sing about?? i seriously doubt it... and it doesnt help that s2 is seriously lacking people.... hai.... and i just remembered that on tts day i got gotta postphone AGAIN.... i seriously pity my teacher for taking a student like me who can change tuition days like the wind... lol... so bored..... now watching sister princess... although it is a bit weird at itmes but who cares... its a good laugh! and god knows i need that rite now.... lol... haha this morning when i woke up the first thing i tot was... 'oh who cares about choir.... i'll just give a parents letter saying i'm sick or something...' i was in those 70% asleep mode.... hai... that "marvelous" plan almost worked when titi woke me up for real... hai... so sad... lol... wanna sleep but cant... *kusu* p.s. kusu is a sound made when one cries... at least in jap anime la.... lol.... i love chikage!!! totally goth chick that aint goth but looks like one!! she's so hot!! and kaho n hinako are so kawaii!!! haha... looks like i have ta go off anime for sometime before i turn into an anime freak! wait.... aint i one already.... haha... lol..

2:00 PM

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

finished goong liao.... thanks zoe for lending it to me =D u totally rox!!! hai.... so sad.... i hate that stupid mother of lu.... she doesnt deserve to be a mommy... hai... lu so dam poor thing... but at least it was a happy ending... lol... cried my eyes out during the last few epi.... but didnt cry as much as when i was watching stairway to heaven... waaa... that one... is a real tear-jerker... now for anime me watching ai yori aoshi... looks quite interesting... but i dun understand why that aoi-chan would leave her clan just to join the person who is no longer her fiancee and doesnt have a steady financial status... he's still a student for god's sake... sheesh... cant she wait or something?? lol... gonna fin math hol hw soon... as for chi... i just skimmed through... didnt really put in alot of effort... hehex...

1:01 PM

Friday, November 17, 2006

today went wif wk and kj to plaza sing go watch flushed away... at some points it is quite interesting but that idiot of a girl is just soooooooooooo easily swayed... sheesh.... get some backbone! by tt girl i was referring to the leading lady in flushed away, a rat called rita or something... the beginning of the movie is to put nicely, lame... i'm trying to be truthful when i say this but... today was one of the most boring outings i have ever experienced... no offence... its not ur fault wk and kj... juz dun feel v energetic today for outings... sry... sian lor... i got like super bored... anyway i shall put down today's events in bullets as per norm... i seriously dunno y i use this format to blog... lol...

  • went for breakfast at macs wif wk
  • went for choir
  • went to cc
  • went plaza sing
  • watched movie
  • went slightly crazy when window shopping
  • home

yup... today for some weird reason i woke up at 4.44 am after a weird dream... i tink i'm too absorbed into the world of anime... my dreams are a mix of real world of anime world lol... in my dream there was a mix of people from naruto, bleach, fma and elfen lied... all the different animes which i have completed... with the exception of d.n angel, bleach and naruto... so anyway i had breakfast with wk at the geylang macs... before i already had breakfast so when it came to the macs part i was quite bloated... so ended up skipping lunch... i totally regreted it later... lol... then i went for the shortest choir session i ever had lol... it only lasted for like what... 1/2 and hour? lol... mrs yuen is like not the greatest person when it comes to choir practice... we spent that 1/2 hour doing stuff that i feel is really un-nessacery... lol... anyway after went to cc to wait for wk while it was her turn for choir... apparantly mrs yuen can't handle all of us... sheesh... she can't even handle our class... 80% of the time she aint there... sheesh... then went plaza sing.... stone there most of the time till the movie started... then i stoned somemore... after the movie i felt more active so i ended up going slightly crazy haha.... window shopping is fun uet heart-breaking... hai... i wanna buy so many things... then after that we went home... lol... gonna watch goong now....

8:27 PM

Monday, November 13, 2006

had soooooooooooooooooo much fun today!!! haha.... after choir wk and i went to the cc for luch and it started raining!!! WHAT LUCK!!! hahax... so wk and i ended getting totally wet before going home hehex... i was a little hyper so i wanted to walk to kallang hahax... but wk didnt wanna *sobs* hai... wadda waste... *pouts like a brat* doesnt matter though... still had the bestest time EVER!!!! hopefully its gonna continue raining.... especially the time AFTER CHOIR when i'm gonna walk home!! haha! oh ya and many heartfelt thanks to ZOE who totally ROX for lending me Goong!!! I LOVE U!!!! haha... yar so gonna start on goong tomorrow or if i possible later cos me mom at home... *sobs* i'm so contradicting lol.... XD... sometimes i wan my mom to be with me forever and become a housewife or something but *mostly* i wish she comes back later from work.... i am such an ungrateful and selfish soul.... lol.... this is either an overdose of freedom or too much protection... lol... i tink its a bit of both.... if thats possible.... lol....

7:42 PM

Friday, November 10, 2006

i finally posted the neoprints haha... anyway i've started on chobits already... although it is a tad boring... lol... anyway i have finally found out that my phone comes with a speaker set... lol... i now i'm slow XD.... oh ya.... this is a msg from wee keng concerining her blog....

"I have deleted my blog already... I also won't be able to use the com for quite some time.... so sorry..."

well... it was SOMETHING like that... hehex... my memory doesn't strectch that far to remember every single word... hehex... too bad! lol...

4:02 PM

these neoprints are from when i went for zoe's slpover! i look darn terrible but wadeva... lol.. haha... ^^

3:45 PM

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

yesterday was zoe's b'day party! was so dam fun!! haha.... 1st zoe, choon hon and i went to century square to shop and stuff then we took neopint... lol... i look like a moron in most of them lol... then after that we went to tm.... hahax... went there did more window shopping!! hai.... actually wendy and hl supposed to come... then last min hl got dunno wad church prog and wendy gotta fever... poor thing... then after tt choon hon had to go cos she wasnt staying over... hai... v fun lor... at zoe's hse we played boogle and stress.... mostly was stress... hahax then we started playin nvr ending stress... haha was so super funny lor!!! zoe like totally freaked hahax!! then aft tt went to eat dinner... not bad la the food frm that shop... only i couldnt finish... dunno y.... felt v bloated that day hai... so after that went back to her hse then play somemore.... oh ya!! i finally learnt how to play 5 stones!!! YAY!!! hahax!!! i find it facinating!! yar... so after another game of stress.. we went to "bed".... after lights out we had those type of truth games... cos in the 1st place it was already too late for dares.... hai... so wasted... its all abt the gurl talk! ^^... yar so we ended sleeping at 3! haha....

9:09 PM

Friday, November 03, 2006

haha... this is from the 1st time we took the np....

1st time




1st time

this is from the 2nd time

2nd time

6:29 PM

today i.....
  1. went to sch
  2. waited for wk
  3. saw class alocation
  4. went to phb
  5. went to century square

yar... today i arranged to meet wk at 9 so i planned to awake at like 7.30.... however.. me being me, overslept and ended up rushing like crazy.... and guess what.... when i reached our meeting place wk still haven come.... apparantly she was gonna be abit late.. lol... she reached at like 9.38++ not sure forgot ler... i felt so lonely... *sniff sniff* haha..... dun blame u wk! alls well!! lol... so anyway i found out that i'm gonna go f3-1... that is like quite a shock cos i expected to go f3-2 or some other class... hai... i dun really wanna go f3-1.... very stressful.... obviously i'm a more laidback kinda girl XD... frankly i don't think i'm good enough to go f3-1.... there are other people out there that are f3-1 material... and besides now that i'm in the so called *top* class.... there will be even more pressure from my mom... hai..... expectations from family memebers are so sucky.... lol.... and i found out that the costs of all the books for next year will be $291.6.... *gasps* this is so gonna burn a bid hole in my mom's pocket ='( dam.... i'm scared that i cannot cope with all the subs next year.... hai.... HOW?! lol..... oh well i shall leave it to God! anyway after that wk and i went for lunch and then went to phb for that stupid dental apparantly wk and i both hafta go back on 22 dec for ANOTHER checkup.... dam.... hai... yar so after tt it was still quite early so wk and i went to century square... quite frankly there's nothing much there but it will do ^^ so wk and i took like alota neoprints... we took it twice for some reason... =.=lll.... but it was fun la.... haha.... will post the neoprints later...

5:22 PM

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Today was... highly interesting... 1st i got lost with simin... then i had to waste my airtime calling ppl for no gd reason ( actually there is but wadeva )... walked home while it was pouring... finished the fma series and now starting on Bleach....

Ya... today i practically rushed out of the house for choir reason being i was afraid of being late.... then when i finally reached the platform i discovered i forgot to bring my file... so... i got titi to bring it for me... i almost missed the train!!! well actually since i already missed one so wadeva... anyway... got to kallang and by chance met simin there! then we tok tok tok tok tok... and then 853 came... thus we did the sensible thing and boarded the bus... unfortunetly it was the wrong bus... it was 961... which goes to god knows where... what?! the two buses are similiar!!! anyway... we sat on that bus until we reached boon keng... so we did the most sensible thing which was to get off the bus and take the mrt bak to kallang... unfortunetly that took pretty long... boon keng sit to douby ghuat then sit to city hall then finally reach kallang... goodness we went to the same place twice in 2 hours... by then it was already 1.15 around there and ms loh comes at 1.30...
FIY ms loh is very scary to latecomers and the last time we saw her she was in a VERY bad mood and when she is in a very bad mood and ur late.... u beta star praying....

so this time we sat the rite bus and got to choir at around 1.40+ i tink... i dunno... i dun have a watch.. hehex... =.=lll... anyway we made it and ms loh kinda joked about it so WE"RE SAVED!!!

incident 2... since i'm asl and i sit infront... ms loh will ask me to do sl stuff...hai... so i wasted my airtime on calling ppl who didnt come for choir... and gues who asked me to do it! MRS YUEN!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.......................... *starts ripping things apart*

incident 3... ya there was like a huge storm today and me being me loves to get wet... haha it was soooOOoOOoooOoooooooooo much fun!!!!!! and then i had to act as if i didn't enjoy getting wet wich i did in front of strangers or else they'll think i'm psycho or something XD... anyway i was walking back in high spirits when i had to pass by this bunch of guys... dam... so while i was *running* they were like BYE BYE!!! if i was a lunatic i would probably stare at them and start a screaming match... however i am sane so i practiced the best method of not getting into trouble... ignorance is bliss... haha... hey it works! haha...

ya so anyway i finished on fma already... fyi fma means fullmetal alchemist.... the ending is terrible.... i hated every moment of it... hai.... made me cry lor... was so ridiculos... cos ed ended up in england or somewhere and al ended a 10 year old *i tink* with no memories of all the times he had of his bro in the past 4 years... sheesh.... THAT IS A IDIOTIC ENDING!!!!!!!!! hai....

started on bleach..... i just realized that i watched one episode of this anime before.... dunno la... anyway i'm so called *hooked* already.... hai... i dun wanna go for choir tomorrow!!!! i wanna stay at home and watch my stuff and do my stuff... hai.... haven even looked at my holiday homework.... sheesh they dun give us time to do it... with increasing demands like choir we dun have much time to ourselves... hai... thats like so sad.... lol...

10:12 PM