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Saturday, February 24, 2007

yay finally updating me blog! ^^ haha.... went to watch epic movie at tm wif wk,zoe and w.e today... the movie not bad but pretty lame... some parts are kinda funny though... lol... wun describe any more of the movie... dun wanna spoil it for those who haven watch =) *oso cos i lazy to type XD* lol... anyway... we had lunch at pasta mania... i finally remembered why i dun really eat at pasta mania... the food there makes me feel sick... =.= lol... BUT ITS THE TRUTH!!! haha... then we went take neoprint at centuary square... ^^ will upload them soon... after i actually find the time to upload the pics i took wif wy... XP oops... hehex... then we rush back for the movie.... oh ya! hahax... zoe and i played the shortest game of hide and seek ever at tm... lol... so lame but so fun! haha... then after movie went back centuary square cos wk wanted to go buy a new set of ear phones... hai... i really dun like it when ppl wanna lend me stuff when i dun ask for it.... it makes me v uncomfortable... lol... i noe im weird... but it just doesnt feel right... and it makes me feel like super awkward which i dun like.... lol.... anyway... after that went back home yada yada yada... went to granny's hse... my cousins were there... lol.... my eldest cousin whos like only a few months older than me is such a nerd la.... almost all the time he was doing hw... like pur.......... lease..... i'm not bothering abt the test on mon.... lol... for the entire evenin my female cous *whos in sec 2* and i were tokking abt anime.... lol.... but wadeva it was fun! ^^

11:26 PM

Sunday, February 18, 2007

haven been posting recently XP... i admit it i've been a lazy PIG!! haha.... lol... anyway.... HAPPY CHI NEW YEAR!!! MAY U GET LOTS OF ANG POWS!!! haha... sian.... wanna watch inuyasha but apparantly there r copyright issues.... hai... went out with wy on fri... yes i realize it is now sat but wadeva.... will post the neoprints later... yawnz.... i seriously am such a pig XD

11:08 PM

wendy - I AM NOT A BK MACHINE!!!
gc - sry la.... lol... will tag soon.... i think... XD
jm - lol... ditto
xingan - i noe whu u r but nvr provide me wif link how to link.... lol...
shavonney - haha... thks ^^
elaine - kkz...
gc - no la... look quite ok la relax... lol...
wendy - lol.... i refuse to take em off :P
lovebound - i like ma... lol... lol... hai... i noe... dcing sux so bad... yup yup... u too! ^^
wendy - yesh wendy n i dun plan on doing it anytime soon! ^^

11:00 PM

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Pics from that day when zoe, wendy wk , gc and i went to the playground... have other pics but quite pai sei so... lol...

3:29 PM

Ok these are the pics frm when wy, gc and i went to vivo... yes i realize that that happed a month ago but wadever... just felt like postin them now... XD hahax...

3:19 PM