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Sunday, July 29, 2007

i am never gonna send ANYTHING to a radio station again... for those whom i msged about the shoutout im sooooooooooooooooo sry and just to let u guys noe, what i basically said was, 'frm olivia to wanying, zoe, jiaying, wendy, weekeng, huilun, gekchuan, choon hon. GM choir members and all my frens, u guys are the BEST! ^^' well in the end they played the song but didnt read out the message... haix... wadeva la... anyway i sent it out cos of sheer boredom... hahax... the power of sian-ness. XD so... ya... sry guys but thanks for listening in anyway and i juz wanna let u noe that u all are the best frens anyone could have and im so blessed to be able to call u all my frens... Love ya'all!! ^^

12:13 AM

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sian mom is home so i muz be guai... sian... so now i muz be a guai kia and do my homework... dammit... wads the point of giving homework when i can find all the answers in books and all that... v helpful hor making me do... oh well at least it improves my copying skills... XD hahax... got to go le... muz do homework muz do homework muz not sidetrack muz not sidetrack muz be guai kia muz be guai kia... lol... hahax ^^

10:06 AM

Friday, July 27, 2007

kns... wadeva lor... everytime see me 1st ting u say is y ur skin like tt and all tt crap...
kns la....
i noe bloody well how to wash my freakin face thank you very much... and its MY face not yours so i believe i noe my face beta than u....
walao... usually not here then when here wanna control everything...
sry for not havin perfect skin lor...
still say wad skin is this la that la... walao... evrytime see me always say that... u not tired of it i am ok... haix...

11:38 PM

HELLO!!! yes im bak... hahax... yay its a FRIDAY!!! WOOOHOO!!! and yes i am high hahax... god noe why though ^^ anyway we finally got our lockers today... me being a good student stuffed almost all the books underneath my table into the locker... so guai rite! ^^ hahax.. lol.... haix... muz i do my hw??? dun do can? *-* lol.... lame... i will do it tmr lol... and tmr i will say i will do it tmr and on mon i will just chiong inj class as per norm! ^^ hahax...

8:30 PM

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

mornin.... haix... i seem to have an inability to stay asleep... wth.... sianz... nthing to do lor... anyway... zhong zhong is gonna make me go for some chi remedial... wadeva... like im gonna listn anyway... sian... dun wanna go but cant pon... apparantly its a stupid compulsory rule thing made by the stupid school... oh pur-lease... i pulled up my freakin grade from a D7 to a C5 and they are still not happy.... chicken mcnugget lor.... haix..... wadeva la.... i go watch anime liao....

4:26 AM

Sunday, July 22, 2007

hello! yes i noe its like 6 in the morn on a SUNDAY but i cant sleep so wad the heck... actually im waiting for the rain to stop so i can go out and buy batteries... yes im in desperate need for batteries and there's not a single one in the house so im basically sneaking out to get them XD... cant let my parents noe cos they'll most likely give me the lecture about buying them beforehand and all that... so ya... im waiting... and thank god for the com p ^^

6:14 AM

Friday, July 20, 2007

HELLO!!! ^^ v long nvr post liao so im updating... *obviously* and yes im high so live wif it XD! hahax... anyway... today we presented previously written sentences in class ^^ hahax... my grp's sentences were like super morbid lol... things like 'the silk shawl flowed from my hand like water to land at my feet in a blood red pool' lol.... tok about insanity..... i feel so goth but who cares! ^^ kkz.... gotta go... buai... ^^

8:12 PM

Sunday, July 15, 2007

And yes I AM BACK!!! haix.. soooooooooooo many things happened recently but i couldnt post them cos my computer crashed... *sobs*... lol... anyway... computer is back again so it ok ler.... ^^ yukata... hahax... lol... gonna perform for hongkees on mon... sian they dun even let us have the day off... after returning to school still must go back for class... wth... haix... so sian... yes i realize its currently 12.55am but wadeva... anyway tomorrow going 4th service so its ok! ^^ hahax...

12:52 AM

Friday, July 06, 2007

rite now im really hating life...
guess wad...
im gonna get phy and math tuition now...
there goes my tues and thurs...
oh god...
mother was all cold and giving the im disappointed in u tok...
but she didnt scold...
apparantly its bcos she was too tired of my... behaviour or wadeva shit...
she's not the only one pissed rite now...
i dun understand phys...
never did never will...
so sue me...
as for math she didnt even bother abt my e math...
just went on and on abt how bad i did for math...
and how this affects jc and all...
and how choir is affecting my results...
and how she wun heisitate to pull me out of choir...
shld this continue...
plus i cant watch anime anymore...
im a normal kid not some freakin study slave...
life just sux...

11:09 PM

i dont noe wad happed but just came up wif a poem... its below... lol... haix... in case some ppl misunderstand... i am NOT a lesbian ok? so pls dun misinterprete... lol...

10:27 PM

as the nite draws on longer and longer
my fear grows more and more
half of me wants to run
half of me wants to stand tall
what should i do to make her happy
what can i do to make her proud
to air my views or to not
is smthing i must decide
but when the time comes
will everything fall apart
if this shall be the end of me
i just want you to know
i pray that u will be happy
i dream that you will stand proud
i hope for your joy, peace and favor
but above all else i wish you love.

10:11 PM

hello... frm now onwards i will live to the fullest cos my life ends tonight.
today's meet the parents session(mps) ... a retarded programme created by even more retarded people... lol...
well... as many ppl noe... i flunked physics and just barely scraped pass A math and i got a c5 for chi.... wich is like... wow already... tink abt this way from a d7 i pulled it all the way up to a c5... i freakin skipped TWO grades but is she happy? NOOOOO....
i dun get it... fine i noe i flunked for physics but... i just dun get it ok?! no matter how much i study i still barely pass or just fail...
as for A math i noe its my fault... i didnt call tcher candice to come even when i had the free time and for that im sorry. i learnt my lesson...
and finally theres the issue of me being outspoken in class... cos zhong zhong nvr cum for mps mrs lim ended up telling mother abt this... and guess wad... apparantly, zhong zhong specifically made mrs lim to tell my mom abt my "outspokeness"... wth....
somemore guess wad she wrote on my comments slip... *..... she needs to improve on her CHINESE more* wtf.... i FLUNKED physics... i PASSED wif a C5 for chi!!
a normal person would say tt i nid to improve on my physics.... but NOOOOOOOO all she cares abt is her f***ing sub... and yes im getting v vulgur but wadeva... im pissed and scared ok!
my mother had to rush off for a meeting so i was so called 'spared' in class but her exact words were: "i'll talk to you at night"
GOD SAVE ME!!! im scared... just so scared... wads gonna happen... its like... i work... ok maybe not hard but i work at my studies.... and everytime she'll ask abt my studying and obviously doubts my ans tt i study... its like... ur nt at home so u obviously cant see me studying... then at nite when u FINALLY come bak im nt studying cos its like so obviously late... like.... argh....
and u actually believe that stupid f***ing tcher of mine?! i cant believe it...
and now... ur obviously gonna rant at me abt aggregate and all that but give me a break... i noe i did wrong and im sry abt it...
i just wanna live... i wish u were at home more and i noe thats super selfish of me... im sry...
i wanted to call father just now... i dunno why but im scared of that too... i mean i practically walked out on him and now i 'return' cos of this? no way... and besides... he'll probably wanna tok abt our relationship and i just cant handle tt rite now... or ever...
so i.... i just dunno wad to do... but somehow i noe everything will turn out rite...
its like so great to have someone u can turn to 24/7... daddy god is like... there u noe... and when i go to him wif all my probs he listens and makes everything better... its like after i gave him all my burdens and all that... i heard this song float into my head and its like daddy god is telling me to not worry...
to think aby his love, think abt his gdness, think abt his grace tt brought us through, for as high as the heavens above, so great is the measure of our father's love....
im touched u noe.... that he'll listen and comfort me when im scared or hurt or whatever... its so awesome u noe cos nowadays... not many will do tt...
so i just wanna end by saying thank you so much daddy god; jesus... thank u for all u've done for me and im just... im just so so so grateful... thank you...

5:36 PM

Monday, July 02, 2007

yayness!! arts nite is OVER!! hahax... yes i know im posting this slightly late but wadeva... lol... we took like alot of pics... for what im not sure but wadeva.... lol... haix.... muz do SS and chi muz do SS and chi... sian lor... lolx...

12:28 PM