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Saturday, August 18, 2007

why do parents always think they know their children?
how do u noe that that is what is really suitable for me?
just because of some inconvenience to u u make me go for something i'd rather not
if i say its not suitable for me its not
after all im me... i noe myself
im not some 5 year old who doesnt noe about life
im freakin 14... dont baby me
im not really that happy there anyway; i've outgrown it already
i go i become melancholy and that aint v nice
i dont see the need to go
but since u are who u are i dont really have a choice do i
i accept this event for now but soon things will be different...
you'll see

2:37 PM

Thursday, August 09, 2007

i feel so suffocated...
why do people seek to control something that shouldn't be controlled?
why do they use such domineering ways?
when has what i do been turned into another's?
what is happening to my world?
i acknowledge the need for a guardian
but this is taking it too far
the grasp of another is suffocating
and not just one but 3
and yet another is unseen
i did not deserve censure
yet one after another all have turned
a want to be loved has turned into closure
isolated im at my prime
and yet the hunger for acknowledgment is overwhelming
no matter how many times
the whip has fallen
still i return
resentment was meant for another
slowly the fear turns to hate
wanting love but finding censure
what will await my state
fate wants to play with me
but my destiny is mine
desiring freedom but locked in chains
one day sweet freedom will be mine
one day

11:39 PM

this is the lyrics for this year's song... im only doing this cos im being super lame and am hoping to delay the time that i have to go to my granny's house... sobs... T.T lol... NOTE = most frequent word(s) used in song is will you... pressure lol.. hahax

Singapore National Day Parade (NDP) 2007 theme song,
Will You.
Singers: Jadani Sridhar, Asha Edmund, Emma Yong, Lily Ann Rahmat, JaiWahab, Shabir Mohammed, Sebastian Tan, Gani Karim
Music & Lyrics by: Jimmy Ye
Will you make this island
Amazing in all ways?
Surprises every corner,
Delightful nights and days.
Will you take this country
And turn it from a place
To a home that greets you
With smiles on every face?
Will you come on this brave journey?
Will you help to make it real?
Will you write us grand new stories,
Songs that everyone will feel?
So... Will you swim the current?
Will you scale new heights?
Will you make it happen,
Will you let your dreams take flight?
Will you make the difference?
Will you seize the day?
Will you live each moment,
Will you dare to find new ways?
Will you take this city
And turn it into a place
To a home that greets you
With smiles on every face
Will you come on this brave journey?
Will you help to make it real?
Will you write us grand new stories,
Songs that everyone will feel?
So... Will you swim the current?
Will you scale new heights?
Will you make it happen,
Will you let your dreams take flight?
And... Will you make the difference?
Will you seize the day?
Will you live each moment,
Will you dare to find new ways?
Dare to find, dare to find, dare to find new ways!

3:41 PM

this is this year's song... lol.. the guy in the suit is so extra lol... if you do what he's doing while walking down CBD everyone will stone at you and not to mention security will most likely detain u or something XD... lol... beta not say anymore... later go jail.. XX i particulary like the part where the dancers dance on water... the effect is awesome! ^^

3:36 PM

suddenly feeling v patriotic so decided to put this mv of the One People One Nation One Singapore song.. dam its my fav national day song... this year's song is not bad but could have been much much much better XD... enjy the video! ^^

3:32 PM

ok part2...

yesterday wy, zoe, jy and i went to bugis to.... EAT ! hahax... bu seriously... the food there is dam good! lolx... we went there too early so wended up having to walk around doing nothing... hahax... it wa really fun! wy tried to shake us off nd according to her, its really easy to shake off zoe and jy but not me XD... hahax... apparantly i noe her too well.. lol... wadeva... yar... so we went to makan and then went to take neoprint before coming to my house! ^^ we worked on the cme project for some time before zoe, jy and i went outside to watch CSI! wy was happily playing solitare in the room lol.. =.= ... feeling v happy... dunno y... lol... moodswing moodswing XD.. hahax...

3:14 PM

Happy National Day!! hahax... ok i know that im totally late in posting this but wadeva.. will post about wy, zoe, jy and i going out yesterday later.. this post wil be about the raffles girl's concert and the GM recording...

ok... 20 ppl from choir got selected to do a recording... we did a recording of ou school song lol... its so lame lor... cannot believe that we actually have to do this kind of ridiculous thing... haix... but the studion was so COOL!!! so awesome lor... lol.... its like sound-proof and has this totally sensitive mike and we haf to wear this really weird head phones that are totally uncomfortable and diff to tune wif lol... end up mr, lee got really irritated with many grps cos we couldnt tune its really super diff to tune lor... i ended recording wif diff ppl 3 times... so sian... 1st was wif simin and huilun... 2nd wif zoe, wk, and simin... last wif hl, wk and simin... and yes i realized that most of the ppl are the same lol... sobs i dun wanna hear my freakin voice over the PA system!!! *sobs* haix...
anyway... after that we went back to school to get our bags and all... haix... so irritating... end up getting psed... lol... but the person and us made up so its ok i guess... we didnt haf time so we( wendy, zoe, choonhon, me) chionged to the hawker nearby... we like ran there lol... displaying all for one one for all spirit... was super lame but it was fun lor... and gave me a totally warm feeling inside... and no that's not cos its was hot... lol...
after that all the choir went for the RGS concert... it was SO AWESOME!!!! its like... wow u noe?! dunno how to describe the feelings that were present when listening to them.... no wonder their a Gold choir... hahax... but really... i wont be forgetting that concert for quite some time... ^^

2:50 PM

Saturday, August 04, 2007

back from the zhuhai performance... haix... could have been at FOP... haix... yes i noe i haf been complaining about this topic for like forever but its really dam annoying lor... sry for being so bitchy during this period... tanks for puttng up with me :) you guys rock! ^^ hahax... i wun complain about it anymore cos muz move on lol.... i sound as if i shi lian le... hahax... haix being an SL is so mahfan... everything oso my business... sian... i dun like it but muz persevere on! JIA YOU!!!! hahax... im doing the CME powerpoint now... sian... we(wy,jy, zoe, me) are doing on hinduism... pls note that we just started this friday so v good liao... ^^ haix... i did the ppt then send to the others but then they cant open the file =.=lll so irritating lor... lolx.. anyway someone edited it and sent it back to me... to be truthful i didn't like what i saw... there were too many borders of colours that were not complementory... lol... and the titles dont really match and the changed effects didnt really make a statement and not to mention the resizing didnt really work... but there were good changes as well...such as the colours of here and there and the compiling of all the names... so thank u somebody... i would say this to ur face but its mean and i cant do it so ya... will find a compromise... ^^

9:28 PM