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Friday, November 30, 2007

HELLO!!! nya.... the concert's tomorrow nya... kinda scared very excited... lol... haix... really hoping that the conet will be a success nya... Praying for health and favour with the audience nya... anyways... To all the people who are coming tomorrow... THAK YOU!!!

12:07 PM

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

just finished watching NANA the movie... hahax... cried and cried nya... hahax... and i dunno why im crying nya... hahax... and yes im laughing and cryin at the same time... lol...

7:08 PM

Hello!! This is Endless Story by Yuna Ito form the movie NANA... Its an amazing movie nya!!! hahax... highly reccomended... especially if u enjoy jap and rock-ish music XD... when i first watched the complete movie i cried a bit nya... especially during the part when nana is sending off ren to at the train... dam sad nya... haix... even now oso feel like cryin but not gonna cry anymore nya! ^^

Endless Story by Yuna Ito as Reira

12:01 AM

Monday, November 26, 2007

HELLO!!! ^^... found out that the less sleep one has, the more hyper one is for the rest of the day! hahax... seriously nya... sleep so much -> v little energy... sleep v little -> HIGH!! hahax... maybe cos the body is running on adrenaline... >< yayness!! i sound like a bio student! hahax.. lol... sian... tmr after choir still got tuition T.T... haix... there goes the holiday nya... dang i haven finish my tuiton homework yet O.O dam dam dam!!! haix... nevermind... at the most tomorrow after choir rush home do.. or i can do now and be high again tomorrow... hmmm decisions decisions... lol...

11:42 PM

Sunday, November 25, 2007

HELLO!!! I'm currently giving my black files a brazilian waxing... only instead of honey im using hot water and scotch tape XD... its works nya!! hahax... and it is so much less expensive... only prob is that the water bill may be a little bit more expensive ><... hahax... lol...

7:46 PM

Saturday, November 24, 2007

i had a minor fallout with her earlier...
while its pretty small...
it hurts so much more than all the others...
i dun understand...
everytime i say that im gonna do something, she'll go "u sure anot? if i catch u doing something else.../ U? ya rite.../ really arh.../ i dun believe u will do it... etc etc...
facing that most of the time, who can blame me for not telling her what i intend to do?
i forgot about those answers today...
i told her what i planned to do this holidays [ start preparing for the O's] she said "You are REALLY gonna do that arh..." b4 she could finish i decided that i had had enough...
"Fine... Don't believe me..."
i muttered that... im surprised that she heard it...
then i received a passioned lecture about how she didnt like my attitude and how i have done that[muttering under breath about her disbelief] many times but she didnt say anything and how i had better change etc etc...
i was sad...
i went to the bathroom and just stood there, shaking... i wanted to cry so bad... but i simply didnt allow myself to... it, to me... is a weakness i cant afford...
so the rest of the visit to granny's was spent by me maintaining control over my stupid tear glands...

thinking back... i cant seem to find the last time when i had said "... dont believe me..." and since she hasnt been back for quite some time, i fail to remember other times when i had uttered that statement...
but as per norm, im the one at fault...

she says that she's joking when she says all those things... she doesnt know that it is the most cruel joke to a child... everytime she says those things, its as if my heart was taken out and stabbed with a blunt knife...
i feel as if i cant achieve anything...
as if im the most imcapable person on this earth...
and so i eventually stopped trring to achieve...
until i stopped talking about plans for the immediate future, i kept falling into the pit in my heart...
so i eventually stopped telling her stuff...
and i crawled out of the abyss...
and now im falling back into it...
i noe it but i cant seem to stop...
what is left of the innocence ripped?

11:49 PM

Friday, November 23, 2007

ever felt sad for no particular reason? well... that's how i feel now... i feel stupid too... and empty... and a wish to cry but tears cant form... wad the b****y hell is wrong wif me?? Im too young for an emotional crisis! cant that wait until im like 30 or so?

Just feel like the thrill of life has passed... everything is so mundane... the electricity of life are at such a low volt that i cant feel it anymore... and dam its irritating...

and there's gonna be tuition soon... i detest that as well... the teacher just makes me feel like a total retard... maybe i am one afterall...

5:36 PM

Regarding A-math,
i have come to a perfect conclusion...

Olivia Ong,
Of Sec 3,


Partial Fractions!!!

man im trying to do my tuition hw and i can even do ONE freakin partial fraction ques!! ARGH!!!!

5:22 PM

HELLO!!! these are some meaningful phrases that were sent to me some time ago... lol... its in chinese but at least i understand it nya!! ^^

1 )没有100 分的另一半 只有 50分的两个人

2 )付出真心才会得到真 但也可能伤得彻底
保持距离能保护自己 却也注定永远寂寞

3 )通常愿意留下来跟你争吵的人 才是真正爱你的人

4 )有时候不是对方不在乎你 而是你把对方看得太重

5 )冷漠有时候并不是无情 只是一种避免被伤害的工具

6 )如果我们之间有1000 步的距离 你只要跨出第一步
我就会朝你的方向走其余的999 步

7 )为你的难过而快乐的 是敌人
为你的快乐而快乐的 是朋友
为你的难过而难过的 就是那些该放进心里的人

8 )就算是believe 中间也藏了一个lie

9 ) 真正的好朋友 并不是在一起就有聊不完的话题
而是在一起 就算不说话也不会感到尴尬

10 )朋友就是被你看透了 还喜欢你的人

1:39 PM

yayness!! Changed skin again nya... the white skin was too glaring for me... hehex... XD... anyways... got a new tagboard... cos the cbox was too boxy for my taste.. lol... the board looks so nice and empty nya... XD lol..

Oh ya... went to the Sing Out concert just now... it was fun nya!!! hahax... didnt shout for an encore T.T haix... oh well... next time then do nya... ^^

i swear there's this totally drool-worthy guy in PHS and the black-tie soloist is so cool nya!!

been crazy over this j-drama called HERO recently... the movies out but nobody to 'pei' me watch TT.TT... oh well... will wait for the dvd to come... ^^

once upon a time i may have accepted u but now im too fond of independance and freedom... just give it up...

12:04 AM

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

HELLO!! me back nya... ^^ hahax... have been v busy anime-ing recently... lol... XD... that is after choir... lol.... have been like super busy nya... so many things to do... am emceeing for the concert so im like super nervous... and i swear that i seriouuly am unable to sound natural when talking slowly... sheesh... not everyone can talk slowly... X.X...oh ya... i am obsessed by Hebe recently... but anime and manga are have more piority [did i spell that rite???]... lol... anyway, i am currently in love with this song mainly cos Hebe sang it at the Taiwan Concert... and here is She's The One sung by Hebe Tian of S.H.E... lol... the visual part aint that accurate... lol... the uploader's fault not mine... lol...

9:54 PM

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

This is Hotaru Koi as sung by the Tokyo Ladies' Consort SAYAKA and conducted by Ko Matsushita... SUGOI!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hotaru Koi

10:20 PM

HELLO!!! I got this off some webbie nya... Its slightly vulgur but quite amusing... lol... its about how British people can still sound so prim and proper after being punched... lol... check it out!

8:40 PM

Saturday, November 10, 2007

HELLO!!! hahax... this is EXTREMELY late... but wad the heck... juz wanna share the cuteness of Mrs. Lim's farewell gifts... *sobs* lol...

This is the envelope designed by RACHEL

lol... lame but cute ^^

ok... the shots aint the best in the world but wad the heck hahax... lol...

Start crying nya! *hands out tissue*

Ok... Now for the personal prezzie we got for Mrs Lim... obviously the card was a class thing lol...

Side view lol... SO CUTE RIGHT?!

Front view... EVEN CUTER!!!

Wy and the bear... hahax...

Jy and the bear...

*Sobs*... Zoe and i didnt get a chance to take a pic wif the bear cos wy and jy were busy cooing over it ( T.T )

Mrs Lim and the bear... so sweet nya..

9:48 PM

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I've been supressing this for a very long time so please take no offence to what ever i say. To the one it is referring to, please take note. I will not say sorry for saying this. Thank you.






well now... since ive finally got that off my chest i would like to proclaim something : The War is NOT over! My way of doing things are different from others... Please get that right. Thank you.

okie... end of announcement. Let's get back to life...

8:55 PM