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Sunday, June 29, 2008

1)What disappoints you the most?

When I know I failed due to my lack of effort.

2)Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?

Tour of Europe

3)What’s your favorite thing to do?
Er... There's so many!!! Hanging with A&E ba...

4)Do you think money can buy happiness?

No... I believe happiness comes with money! >.< yes I'm $$ minded.. Sue me XP.

5)If u can have one dream to come true, what will it be?

To live a life free of restrictions and worries! ^.^

6)Do you believe you can survive without money?


7)Have you ever played an instrument?

Yeah, Grade 2 Piano, recorder... Lol... I even did abit of Guzheng once.. It was kinda painful... hehex...

8)If you win $1million, what will you do?

I'll make use of it to make more $$ so i can purchase ALL the stuff I want as well as bless others greatly!

9)What do you think of urself?

Er... I'm insane? Lol...

10)List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.


11)What makes you happy?

Love, prosperity etcetc..

12)What type of person you hate most?

People who don't appreciate what they have. Which is why I kinda hate myself at times.. TT.TT

13)Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road?

An upcoming corporate lawyer that's on her way to being blessed with a partnership.

14)If you have a superpower, what will it be?


15)What do you think is the most important thing of your life?

Daddy God.

16)If it's the end of world, what will it be your last wish?
That all my loved ones are saved.

17)If you have a chance to choose, will you want to go back in time? When will it be?
I don't wanna cos I'm not really fond of my childhood... Lol...

18)Which anime character you like most?

O.O Sesshomaru!! Gaara!!! Zero!! Saber!! Fuji Syussuke!! Archer!! Suigintou!! Rinku!!! Edward Elric!! Dark Mousy!! Roy Mustang!! Kaname!! Akabaru!! Aya!! Larva!! Miyu!! Dante!! Kaoru!! Hikaru!! Soubi!! Howl!! Rei!! Lucy!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HOTNESS OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19)Are you courageous enough to tell the person that you like him/her?
It really depends...

20)Choose between the love of your life and your friends.

Friends! But I believe that my friends will support me unless that person is really bad for me.. Lol.. However, i do hope that i'll never come to a point in my life whereby this decision has to be made..

Instructions: Remove 1 question from above, and add in your own personal question, make it a total of 20 quesion, then tag 8 people in your list. List them out and end this post. Notify them in their chatter box that he/she was tagged to do these quiz.

Zzz... I'm lazy... Forget it man.. >.<

12:30 AM


Yes I realized I have not posted in awhile... hehehx... I'm a lazy pig! ^.^

Anyway, I'm not gonna post about the Chinese oral cos its rather depressing... Besides, its SO over. So what the heck... I am officially done with chinese! ^.^ I must now become an English-woman. YAY! hahax..

Anyway, I have received the prize for having the best grades for English in the level. This means I get... [insert dramatic music here] a $20 budget to get a book/books from Kinokuniya! yay.
Sheesh, only $20? If we get to pick books from Popular it would be barely sufficient. However this is KINOKUNIYA. A good book would cost waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than $20. Haix... Oh well, at least it isn't a budget to shop for books at Borders. $20 would be be enough to pay for the front and back cover of the book as well as the plastic bag at Borders. Oh yeah, I can't get stationary or stuff cos its specifically stated that only books can be obtained. I'm not gonna get a notebook from Kinokuniya cos Popular has nicer ones... Bleh~ haix... Oh well.. Must be grateful. =.=
Btw, does anyone have any reccomendations on books at kinokuniya that is 'school-friendly' and costs less than or equal to $20? Thank u!!

I dun wanna do English homework... Its so boring... >.<>.<

12:00 AM

Friday, June 20, 2008

This is a really lame test but its rather interesting... Lol...

  1. Put your music player on shuffle
  2. Press forward for each question
  3. Use the song title as an answer to the question.

TaDa!! lol....


How am i feeling today?

流行主教 [ Yay! =.=]

Will i get far in life?

不想长大 [ Ok? Is that a yes or a no?? ]

How do my friends see me?

Angel of Music [ Rite..........]

Where will i get married

Dear Mr. President [ Does that mean its gonna be at the White House or something?? >.<]

What is my best friend's theme song?

Wishing you were somehow here again [ rite............]

What is the story of my life?

I have seen the rain [ Totally... Its Singapore. Rain is rather common here..]

What's high school like?

Soulmate [ o.O ]

How can i get ahead in life?

All the things she said [ So i listen to all the things she said?? Btw, who's she??]

What is the best thing about me

How many times, how many lies [ So i can lie???]

What is today going to be like?

好人有好抱 [ A day of judgement and all??]

What's in store for u this weekend?

Cinderella [ ???]

What song describes my parents?

Think of me [ Well.... depends on which set of parents...]

To describe my grandparents?

Novacaine For The Soul [ That's rather disturbing.... FYI Novacaine is a type of anesthetic used to reduce pain during intramuscular injection of penicillion and for dentistry. ]

How is my life going?

She's the one [ooooooooook? So... i'm les. Rite... P.S. who's she??]

How does the world see me?

Don't cha [???]

Will i have a happy life?

Friends forever [... so the secret is to be friends forever??]

What do my friends really think of me?

Ever ever after [ That's rather scary...]

Do people secretely lust after me?

Numb/Encore [is that a yes or a no... I don't think I wanna know...]

How can i make myself happy?

曹操 [ So i start an empire and conquer others? Yay for world domination!!! >.<] What should i do with my life?

Conversations with my 13 year old self [ talk to the past me? Great, talking to urself is a sign of insanity... Oh well... I'm insane already anyway. ^.^]

Will i ever have children?

Mr. James Dean. [ So i gotta find a Mr. James Dean ey... ]

P.S. I took this from Zoe's blog. ^.^

6:28 PM








Hahax!!! Yes I'm totally psycho!!! Whoots~ The point is.... GERMANY BEAT PORTUGAL!!!! YEAH! Muahahahahaha.. Gosh I feel on top of the world!

At first I was supporting France but after their miserable defeat, I decided to support Germany. Lol..

When I first saw the results just now, I totally screamed and rushed out of my room and began jumping up and down while screaming GERMANY WON! Lol... Mother thought I had gone nutso or something. XD

Just from watching the highlights it can be told that it was a beautiful game. Even the failed attempts to score had wonderful setups. It was awesome. ^.^

I wasn't able to watch the match last night due to reasons already stated, so Uncle D and I watched a replay of a match between Chelsea and Liverpool.
Its was the Carling cup of 2005. Liverpool lost.Frankly it was then that I considered them at their most dangerous. Afterall, that was the year they actually won the champions league. Lol..

I'm not sure if I really wanna support Liverpool anymore. I mean its painful watching them play. The magic simply isn't there anymore. They have world-class players but are not performing. I find myself deviating towards Chelsea. They play awesome football, they are comitted to their task, not to mention they're gonna get an awsome manager next season. Although I did say that I would support chelsea if they managed to get Torres, I don't really think that's important anymore. He's only one man, so what if Liverpool gets his Spanish buddy? 2 poeple won't be able to change the Liverpool game. Besides I feel that Rafael Benitez is not right for Liverpool. Under him, Liverpool has not been performing.

Unfortunetely, others seem to think that Benitez is the best person ever. Sheesh. He doesn't provide stability to the players with his famous swich-a-roo tactic. For example, when Crouch was at his peak, Benitez simply refused to play him. Like pur-lease, the guy is performing really well and you don't use that quality? Instead you use other sub-standard people like coughcoughsissokocoughcough. Dang its annoying!

Chelsea on the otherhand, has awesome players, an excellent soon-to-be-manager and a stable capital behind them. What's there not to support?
Some people say that Chelsea only buys all the good players and justs throws them all in there. Like, that's the way to do it in the first place! If your good, you get selected, if your poor, you don't. Like, that's common sense. Lol.. So while others may criticze that particular tactic, I don't. In fact I support it!

Hence, in the next season, Chelsea and Liverpool will be closely observed and compared. After the next season will my decision be made. May the best team win.

1:27 PM


mother isn't allowing me to watch the Germany - Portugal match simply cos its too late and will disturb the maids cos the computer screen is too bright. FYI they are already asleep and I am currently using the computer! As for the late-thingy, its the holidays for pete's sake! that means NO school which equals no need to wake up early! Sheesh.. This is also uncle d's fault cos he refused to subscribe to the euro 2008 cup channel simply cos england didnt make it. Blimey, there are OTHER teams out there that are MUCH better than england. hmph. I know that I'm acting like a total brat but who cares?! Hmph.

12:26 AM

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hello!! ^^
Haven't posted in quite sometime.. Hehex... >.<
Anyway, I officially have a new domestic helper. Her name's Susami! However, Ti ain't going back just yet. She's going to 'train' Susami. Lol..

Went to the eye clinic today. According to the doctor, my eyeballs are very healthy. (=.=) LAME. So thanks to the foreign fluid that was introduced to my eyes, I had blurry vision all day. But it has passed now! =D hahax..

Went to Ikea as well! [Yes, I was walking all over the place against my will while I saw things funny] It is official. My family is the Singapore that purchases 130 hangers at one go. Lol... The meatballs were yummy though! (^.^)

Now I have to go and tackle the mountain of homework... Zzz...

9:09 PM

Thursday, June 12, 2008


YES!! I've finally arranged my links in alphabetical order! =D hahax... Have benn wanting to do that since... forever? Lol... *Groans* The mountain of homework is not getting any smaller... Gosh this sucks... Zzz... Not to mention I still have not figured out how to keep the blog music playing even when one is not at that part of the blog... *Sighs* This is so troublesome... Oh yeah, I rushed out my physics homework only to discover that, there was no time to go throught it. Haix.... Zzz... Oh well... the good news is, there is no good news! I have MORE homework now! Yay! Yes I'm feeling rather down for no good reason but nothing a good time of gaming will not take care of! ^^ Lol... I feel like playing Sims now... Yes I know its late... Ah what the heck. I'll just play it for the sake of playing it XD.

I know you're hurting cos I'm hurting too. I cannot, must not, will not like like you. It's simply not the time for that. I'm sorry but I think I'm falling for you too. It's not the right time but I can't help it. I'm missing you even now. I'm sorry. Please, forgive my inadequecies. I can't handle this right now. I'm sorry.

11:04 PM


I had a cute cake for breakfast today! =D

Zzz... Must begin tackling the mountain of homework... Oh shucks, I still have physics tution homework. Bleh~ I don't want to do it!!! But I have to... *sighs* Will now attempt a self-motivation tactic as learnt from a certain physics teacher [XD]... Yes! I can do it! JiaYou! [XD XD] Oh yeah, this is the cake i had this morning! >.<

11:44 AM

Hello!! I'm currently in love with this song! Unfortunetely, they don't have it on imeem. =(
So, I have no choice but to put up the mv instead. Enjoy!!

愛錯 - 王力宏



Oh 原来是我


Oh 找不回那些感觉

所以爱错 (从来没有爱过那么认真)

12:34 AM

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Went to celebrate WanYing's birthday with JiaYing, GekChuan, YingRu and Bear^2 today! ^_^ It was awesome!!

We watched Kungfu Panda. It was rather interesting actually.... Er... cancel that... It was lame to the point of being funny XD. Lol... Frankly, I'm rather fond of the bad guy.. [Tai Lang]. I find that he's cooler than the other but that's just my POV >.<

Anyway, after that, we went to Suntec City to play arcade! WanYing kind of wandered around the place until she finally decided to ask me where a certain place was.. Lol.. [Yes.. I know Suntec like the back of my hand... =.=... What do you expect? I go there like at LEAST once a week! >.<]
We played a variety of games. Naturally DDR was on the list. XD. They played Rekken 6 [spelling?]. It was awesome! We were cheering and being total girls XD. Meanwhile, JiaYing was off at the drumset. I joined her at the guitar set. Lol... Had FUN! =D

Then we went to the Manga Cafe. The food wasn't amazing but it wasn't bad either. However, WY, GC, YR and Bear^2 had to leave without eating 1st for tuition. =(


10:30 PM

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I attended an outing with Zoe, Wendy and Da Jie today! It was fun!
We went to kallang Leisure park to ice-skate and had pastamania for 'lunch' [actually a better term to use would be tea seeing that we ate at 3.40+, but the stuff we ate was definately to be eaten for lunch... Hehex ]
Yummy!! =)

Then we decided to go to take neoprints. We went to suntec city for that. [ Yes. One can take neoprints at suntec. The arcade has the machine required ] Unfortunetely I can't post the neoprints seeing that my scanner is not working. Dang. Anyway, after taking the neoprint, we played at the arcade. Zoe and Dajie went to shoot some hoops, then they played percussion master and finally Zoe and I played DDR. ~Whoots! [Wendy didn't play at all lol... =( ]

On the way home, I decided to purchase some stuff. To my horror, and auntie suddenly accousted me in the shop and asked me to translate for her. Obviously I failed badly. TT.TT But I survived! Yay!

Currently I am attempting to arrange tomorrow's outing. Gosh it's so annoying. Sheesh...

8:00 PM

Monday, June 09, 2008

I am currently doing homework. Sad to say the moutain is still large but I will try.
Dang i'm bored. Homework is so annoying. Sheesh. Now working on the enormous amount of physics homework. Falling asleep already. Zzz...

2:06 PM

Friday, June 06, 2008


Yes I am finally back to blogging!

This is all thanks to Dr. Benedict Lin who has clearly stated that blogging is very educational and can assist people in obtaining their A1. Thus, I have resurrected my blog and will try to post regularly from now on. ---- In proper english of course (>.<) However, emoticons will still be used as there is no point in using a computer to type and stuff if one cannot use emoticons and such. (LOL) Anyway, today Zoe, Sakinah and I went to a certain place in Singapore to obtain certain goods. (NO we are not drug trafficking!) It was fun! Especially the ice-cream part! I had much fun today! However due to time constraints I shadn't bother with lengthy, long-winded descriptions. That's for a certain teacher to handle, NOT me! (>.<)

Adieu! (^__^)

Damn it! I'm sick and tired of your behaviour! Please note that the world does NOT revolve around you. Is it THAT difficult to give an answer when asked? Also, do learn some manners. I cannot comprehend how is it that saying a simple sorry is so trying. I'm sorry but if you do not wake up and face the music this 'friendship' will eventually be over. Get the (super obvious) hint for crying out loud!

10:47 PM