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Friday, August 29, 2008


To all Teachers : Happy Teachers' Day!!!

Anyway, I am reviving my blog this time to post the pictures taken today with the teachers. ^.^
Thank you all random people for kindly obliging to assist in the photo-taking! ^.^

Anyway, I shall now quit jabbering and get to the objective of posting today. Enjoy the pics! =D

From left to right - Zoe, GekChuan, Mr. Koh, me & Wanying

From left to right - Zoe, WanYing, Mrs Theseira, me, GekChuan & JiaYing

Me, Ms Choong, Zoe & WanYing

WanYing, Mdm Eng, Me, Zoe & JiaYing

JiaYing, Zoe, Mrs Loh, Me & WanYing

10:11 AM

Sunday, August 03, 2008


Yes, I realise I've not been posting in a rather long time. Hehex..

Anyway, I hate this 7th month thing. It makes my dearest mother extremely violatile. Seriously, she's like screaming and being totally pissed for no good reson now. Sheesh. How can you expect your kid to behave more maturely when you yourself are extremely prone to stupid childish tentrums?! Just because you have a low tolerance for the smoke and stuff doesnt mean you can just blow your top for no good reason! You have been living in this country for like your entire life! its time to GROW UP WOMAN! Damn its annoying. And its not my bleeding fault that the air refreshener was switched on ok? It was already in operation before I even stepped into the room. So stop blaming me. Besides, the person who turned it on did it for you. Your the one who hates the smell of the smoke. Hence the air- refreshener was in operation because of you. And you still complain and rage about it?! Get a Life! Argh. Great now your gonna start a stupid argument with someone who's like way older than you. Earth to mother - that person OWNS this house so learn to be tolerant or risk being kicked out. Damn I don't understand what's so difficult about holding your tongue. Especially when the person your pissed with holds the decision of kicking you out of HIS house. Oh yes, arguing with him over something like worship practices is SO mature.

Yes I realised that the 1st post I've produced in a while is extremely negative and not to mention disrespectful, but I am simple unable to withstand all that nonsense without making use of an outlet for much longer. I am currently ever greatful for the invention of the computer and the internet. They are blood pressure savers.

9:34 PM