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Saturday, January 31, 2009


This person has been posted to Tampines Junior College. No I am not hysterical. Afterall, in the end what really matters is getting into Uni. The JC doesn't matter. Anyway, I, along with a few other friends, have appealed to Merdian JC. Its worth a shot I guess. There's nothing to lose anyway. =)

Anyway, school starts on Monday and I am verily worried about oversleeping. I knew I should not have procrastinated sleep adaptation for this long. Damn it. Oh well, with the help of morning calls, I will hopefully not be late for the first day of school. =)

2:54 PM

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm hungry.

Yes, I do realise that it is currently three nearing to four in the mornin. Yes, I am still very wide awake and am currently contemplating the risks of sneaking out into the kithen and partaking in a meal consisting of instant noodles. *Ohhowpatheticlifehasbecome*

Anyway, I have just procured a new season of CSI. *YAY!!!* Thus, I have indulged myself by having CSI marathon of season 7. It has been fascinating! I am proud *ornotsoproud* to say that : I have completed CSI season 7 in less than 48hrs time! *applauds self* Haha!

At this moment I have come to a conclusion that there woyld be no Instant noodles for this hungry one thus night. It has turned out that Uncle D is currently perched on the living couch, enjoying a football match between Liverpool and some other random team. I shadn't even begin to expound on my distaste for such an activity especially with regards to the team involved. It would consume too much of this entry. So you are spared from my tirade, for now.

I have just been reminded of a lunch appoinyment due tomorrow. I must admit it is something I rather dread. Tomorrow I am to meet with my father. While I am not entirely uncomfortable with meeting him, I confess to a sense of apprehension. After all, we have not been on good terms for quite some time now. The blame for this would be on my shoulders. The reason for this is really something I have no wish for elaboration. To continue from above, it irks me that the primary reason I am to meet with him tomorrow, or should I say today, is to collect alimony which in truth, lawfully belongs to me. Has our relationship downgraded to thus? *haveicausedittobethus* I now shall now retire to engage in an extremely important activity - Sleep. Wish me luck for later! =)

3:42 AM

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hello!! Happy Chinese New Year!! =D This year would definatel be blessed be Daddy God! 2009 is the favorable year of the Lord. Meaning, free favours as well as salvation freely abounds! YAY!!! Haha.. Anyway, Today *26 Jan 09* is also Jaejoong's Birthday!


생일 축하합니다 김재중!!!!!!!!!!

This is my 'gift' to Jaejoong on his special day!

1:04 AM

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I hate it that you do that.

Do you seriously think I am totally fine with the way things are? Do you think that I'm not worried about the posting exercise as much as you are?! That's all you ever do - Jump to conclusions. Not certaining the facts before making accusations. Accusing people of things they are innocent of. Not believing in the people around you. *especiallyme* If I was not worried about the posting exercise would I be running around, combing for details with regrads to the schools and such?! If I was not worried would I be having nightmares of repeating Sec4 or getting into terrible schools?! IF I WAS NOT WORRIED WOULD I BE THIS STRESSED OVER THIS STUPID EXERCISE?!?! You don't know me at all. You think you do but you just don't and sometimes I doubt if you ever will. Is adding unto my torment rejuvenating for you? Does my pain give you pleasure? Do you have to rub salt into my GAPING wounds?!?! I'm sorry if I disappointed you by not scoring up to your ridiculous standard! I'm sorry for not going by DSA because I couldn't stand to stay in choir any longer. And I want to thank you for rubbing it in that I would not be in this situation had I applied for DSA. Thanks alot Mother. You have my eternal gratitude.

10:08 PM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


One day had passed since the... 'lovely' collection of the 2008 GCE O Level results.

Honestly, I'm shocked.

I must admit I felt that I didn't do too badly. While the grades wre not up to my expectations they weren't all that bad either. *itcouldhavebeenworse* The nights leading up to the collection were eventful. Weird dreams abounded. Anyway, here are my grades.

English - A1
Combined Humanites - A2 *surprisesurprise!*
Mathematics - A2
Additional Mathematics - B3
Physics - A2
Chemistry - B3
Biology - B3
Chinese - C5

Oh well... Not like there's anything more to be done. I'm just grateful it ain't any worse. =)

9:42 PM