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Monday, May 18, 2009


I decided to share a rather heart-warming experience I had gone through last saturday ( 16 may 09) =). It was quite funny actually. Mark and I were on our way home after watching the play "Proof" by David Auburn. We were at Outram Park interchange when this muslim lady asked us for directions to Woodlands. We gave it to her but the thing is, we gave her the wrong directions! *Oops!!!* We had only just realized it when we met her again!! *Thank God!* We gave her the 'correct' set of directions and the kind old thing hugged me =D She didn't hug Mark as he's a guy and she was supposed to be praying or something.. Lol... So i hugged him for her XP. She also did the whole kiss both cheeks thing. Lol... It was quite nice actually. She was all warm and cuddly.. LOL!!!

The important thing is, that the most coincidental meetings are usually the work of Daddy God to bless you =) The blessing in this occurance has another side to it actually but I won't go into that XP. But yeah, God's fingerprints were definately on this. =)

10:07 PM

Sunday, May 17, 2009

This is getting annoying.

Is society set to follow a fixed mindset that is absolute rubbish? What has become of society? Of the community? Of the younger generation that would one day shape the world?

Why can't people of opposite sexes have a platonic relationship? Why do people start questioning the nature of that relationship? I don't understand. Must relationships with a person of an opposite sex be of a romantic one, first and foremost? It scares me to think that, that is the the first conclusion people come to when presented with such an occurance. Three times I have been asked and in all three my answer was the same. No. We're only friends. This is seriously getting old. It's time to wake up and take a new stand. Society has to form another mindset and fast before all relations with the opposite gender becomes put under scruntiny. Blasted teenagrs.

1:11 AM